The smart Trick of yoga teacher training in India That No One is Discussing

Yoga is becoming more and more popular around the world. The need for trained instructors who have completed a qualified yoga teacher training (YTT) or yoga teacher certification (YTC) program is also increasing. (Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Teacher Certification mean the same thing, the title of the program depends on the preference of the school.).

To fill this gap to get more certified teachers, there are more and more training programs offered at studios and schools, both near home and internationally.

What to look for in a yoga teaching course.

1. The most important thing to look at when researching programs is, who is the director of the teacher training? Have you studied with this person and do you like their style? Does their philosophy resonate with you? Are they easily accessible? Do they live by the words they speak, or at least try to?

2. Next, look at training dates for the training. Do the dates fit your schedule? Some certification programs offer the whole training at once, some offer it on weekends only, and others offer weekend trainings in combination with some yoga teacher training requirements through the week.

3. Can you afford the yoga teacher training, or are there payment plans or scholarships available to make your training more manageable?

4. Is the yoga training offered at a Registered Yoga School (RYS) through the Yoga Alliance? The Yoga Alliance is the most respected yoga organization in the country. Do yourself a favor and go for a 200-hour Yoga Alliance-recognized program at a Registered Yoga School if you're serious about learning and teaching.

When to do your training locally.

Unless you want to be part of a lineage of like Ananda, Kundalini, Kripalu, Sivananda, Kriya, and so on - where you will need to go to a yoga center or ashram outside of your area to study - it is a good idea to study in the area you intend to teach.

Why? Because your local yoga school will have insight into how to reach people in the area, how to market to them, and how to attract people to your classes once you graduate from your training. Some of the people you meet in your community classes may very well become your first clients if the yoga teacher training has a service project as part of the requirements. Not to mention, a director from the area will have a list of connections for places you can contact and possibly teach once you graduate from the YTT. You'll also get support from the people you go through training with once the program is finished, because most of them will live in the area. You'll become lifelong friends with many of your fellow trainees.

One thing that most people do not realize is that teaching can be quite challenging. Loving a certain subject or activity does not mean that you are ready to teach it. Before you ask yourself how to become a certified yoga instructor, you should find out what it takes to be successful at teaching. The most successful trainers have learnt the art of ensuring that their students learn the best skills while enjoying the class. A relaxed learning atmosphere is beneficial for everyone.

Learn to meditate.

You should take time off each week to establish and meditate why you are doing what you are doing. Sometimes the attention and applause can get to you, causing you to lose focus on why you are teaching in the first place. By taking the time to reflect on your intentions and objectives, you can learn how to be more focused.

Avoid comparisons.

Comparing yourself with other trainers who seem to have more students than you can be a destructive habit. You should not gauge your success by the number of students who walk through your door. Remember that at the end of the day you are doing something you love. Yoga has become very popular and this means there are more studios than ever but you should avoid looking at what others are doing.

Get a mentor.

It helps to have someone that you can turn to for advice or simply to vent. Having formal support can help you to have an avenue where you can talk about any feelings of doubt that you may have. Someone who has been in the industry for a long time can offer useful insights on different aspects of the profession. You should not fall into the unprofessional temptation to vent to your students.

See your students as individuals.

You should not see your students in terms of numbers but as individuals. Everyone needs to pay their bills but the moment money becomes your focus, you lose your way. If some of your students choose to go to a different class, you should not let this affect how you treat your remaining students. Do not take it personally or take it as though they are betraying you. Sometimes people just want something different and that is okay.

Remember that a great teacher is not the one who has the most students. Do not judge your skills based on class attendance and remember that by serving your students with all your heart, they will always keep coming back. Quality teaching is always more important than the numbers.

The need for trained instructors who have completed a qualified yoga teacher training (YTT) or yoga teacher certification (YTC) program is also increasing. (Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Teacher Certification mean the click here same thing, the title of the program depends on the preference of the school.).

Is the yoga training offered at a Registered Yoga School (RYS) through the Yoga Alliance? (Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Teacher Certification mean the same thing, the title of the program depends on the preference of the school.).

Is the yoga training offered at a Registered Yoga School (RYS) through the Yoga Alliance?

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